Monday 10 July 2017

Why India and China should not go to War

There is this thing in news where China and Indian armies are at face off in Doclam region of Bhutan.

Let me make it very clear that India is not directly making a face off as Doclam is not Indian region but the region is of utmost strategic importance to India. If China is able to make its presence in this region then China will have easy access to region called as "Chicken Neck", which is a 20 kilometer wide corridor connecting India with its North-East states of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh and these are the regions which China claims to be its own (Not true though).

Also as Bhutan is a diplomatic partner of India and is heavily dependent upon Indian support in terms of money and military. Indian military is making a stand off on behalf of Bhutan and due to their personal interest too.

Well ! things apart. I am writing this blog to specify that "Why India and China should not go to War". Here are few points:

1. Weapons of mass destruction

Both India and China possess Nuclear weapons, high end defense artillery and most advanced technological war ammunition. If they both go on war and decide to use them then there would be nobody winning.

2. South-Asian Countries

India and China both are very strong nations of South-Asian continent. If they go to war then South-Asian region becomes feeble and is more prone to be acquired or invaded by terrorism or extremist countries.

Happening this would make all other countries suffer and east will not be east; it will be a part of west.

3. Economic Impact

Both India and China are involved in bilateral trades of more than 3 Billion USD each year, going on war makes their trades stop and would be worst impact on economies of both countries.

4. Manufacturing Hub of world

While China is already "factory of the world" and India is in process of becoming so. If both these strong countries  go to war then the growth of both countries comes to halt and common people would be badly impacted.

5. BRICS Breakage 

BRICS is an association formed by Asian nations Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to promote growth in terms of technology advancements.

If two major countries out of BRICS got to war then this association will break and would not be good for BRICS nations.

6. World War III

If India and China goes to war and favoring nations decide to support either one of them then there would be two groups of nations in world and might lead to WW III.

7. Worst Global Economic Impact

As European Union is already breaking and is in feeble state after BRIXIT, another impact on world economy due to war would be unimaginable and most of the countries of world have bilateral trade agreement with India or China or both and crisis would emerge as a result of War.

These were my analysis in support of "No War" between India and China.

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