Thursday 6 July 2017

Why girls are unique and different - Code Pink

Though the difficult thing even for the universe to decode a women but lets try to unfold few mysteries about them.

Read and Enjoy.
  1. One of the beautiful creations of GOD, still only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful. Have more confidence in you ladies. You are Gorgeous!!!
  2. Women are speaks about 20,000 words a day. Way more than men. Poor men!!! No chance you could ever win any argument with them.
  3. Women have more taste buds than men.Anything with tongue!!! Told you, can not win them when the tongue is involved.
  4. Women’s heart beats faster than men’s. Had no idea about that.
  5. Heart disease is the no. 1 killer of Women. Take care of your Heart as you take care of those in your heart!!!
  6. Women’s eyes can distinguish more colours than men’s. No doubt you see those 1000 pink shades of lipsticks and go nuts…
  7. Over 80% of women wear the wrong Bra size. A poorly-fitted bra can cause various problems.
  8. Women are flatulent as much as men. So next time you hear a fart, check before you start judging a guy in the room.
  9. No woman has equal-sized breasts. One breast is always larger than the other. It’s usually a small enough difference to not be noticeable.
  10. The part of the brain that shows arousal during sex also shows a similar arousal in some women while they’re thinking about food. Food cravings and Sex… Seriously!!!
  11. Women more easily trust a person who hugs them for more than 15 seconds.Turn’s out we all need is a Hug.
  12. Women spend nearly a year of their lives deciding what to wear. We thought it would have been even longer!
  13. Men lies twice as often as women. Not very surprising!!!

Keep reading for more such facts.

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