Monday 17 July 2017

Never use movers from Kijiji - How I got cheated - Moving in GTA (Must read this)

Hello Friends..

I am writing this post to spread awareness about the fraud going on around GTA by these so called "Movers" on kijiji. Looking at their adds might seem lucrative as they quote very less amount per hour for truck and labor but the reality is completely different.

They are completely CHEAT !!!

They attract you by posting these ads but when you actually get your work done, they rip you off like anything.

One, similar incident happened with me last week, which I will tell you now. Incident left me stunned as I never expected this much fraud in such an honest country like Canada.

Before Moving - Preparation

I was about to move from my condo in downtown to another condo and thought of using movers this time as I have a 2 year old daughter at home; thought it would be less work for me and also ease in moving.

So, I started looking at all movers which were available in my area and got quotes from some; but then I saw this ad on kijiji from "Two men and a Truck" movers which were quoting their price as $45 an hour including everything (two men and a truck) and on top of it $45 more for fuel. I gave them a call and the person on the other side told me all stories that how many years they are in business and how reliable they are. I double confirmed with the person that, is it the same rates as advertised on kijiji and he said yes.

All set now, I booked them and was relaxed as now moving will be stress free. But never expected below.

On day of moving

I booked the time as 9:00 AM on the place from where I had to move and booked elevators at my current and future place for move (In buildings you need to book elevators which are for a particular time interval for moving out and moving in).

I called the guy at 8:30 AM to confirm they are on their way, I got a reply which was surprising that the person was having difficulties finding the people to move but has arranged them now and the people would be at my place on time. All great till now, its 9:00 AM now and nobody is at my place, I called the person again and he said that movers are on way but will be 30 mins late; also he gave me the number of driver of the truck who was on the way. I called the driver but no reply, I got panicked. But any ways, as my elevator was booked, I started moving my stuff from my condo to the moving room, thinking that it would take them less time and hence less money. And also to let you know I have a one bedroom condo, so not much stuff.

It's 10:00 AM now and nobody is at my place, called the driver again but no answer. Land was sliding beneath my feet as I did not know what to do. Luckily I got call from driver and what he said surprised me like anything, he said that he is trying to call me from 30 mins and I am not available, bit of surprise but still OK (atleast they are coming).

Finally movers came to my place at 10:30 AM when I already brought half of my stuff to moving room, but I was OK for that, as it must have saved me some money.

The guys who came looked me were drunk and were moving like turtle, and as they were talking very less and walking very slowly and had a very good built, I could not counter them. Hoping they will finish the work in approx 4 hours and which would cost me $225 (45*4 + 45).

They loaded couple of my stuff in their truck and then told me that they want $200 advance from me, even though it was not disclosed to me any where I still gave them money as I wanted to get the work done. After taking advance, he gave me a document to sign with some basic stuff that pick up address, drop off address etc. I signed it.

They took almost 3 hours after that to load my stuff into the truck (for me its was not more than an hour job) and then told me that they will give me a final bill.

After loading, he started calculating the cost and gave me a bill of $1100; I was shocked and countered these guys. they told me its $45 per person and $45 per item which is more than 70 lbs; also on top of that $200 insurance, $45 fuel and $45 for which they were not able to reach me.

I was stunned and asked these guys that it is not the same which was communicated to me, he asked me to call their supervisor (cheat fellow). I decided to call the guy I was in touch with but he tols no they should not charge and suggested me to call their supervisor.

I called the supervisor and he told that these are the charges and I had to pay them; I gain tried to contact the guy I was in touch with but he ignored my calls. I had no other option left as my stuff was in their truck.

I asked the movers to go to my new place as elevator booking time is getting passed and I had to get the money from ATM; the person told me no and said that they need money before they move from there; I did not know what to do.

I asked the guys to follow me and we went to ATM, my account limit was exceeded as I can't withdraw more than $500 from ATM in a day; I was so stressed out that I felt like crying but then I thought of using my credit card to withdraw cash and that idea worked.

I paid him money and then the followed me to my new place, they were treating my stuff like junk and most of the stuff got broken or scratched during move.

I decided to move my stuff from the truck to my new apartment so that atleast stuff is safe.

Finally, after couple of hours when my stuff was moved to my new apartment, I took a breath of relieve and promised to myself that will not use these guys or in-fact anybody from kijiji ever.

It was like a night mare which ended finally but I git ripped off by them. its just an advise from me for not using them and not falling under their trap.

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Visit these countries from India without Visa - Indian Visa Free Travel

The most stressful part of planning an abroad trip from India is getting to know whether a visa is required in destination country for Indian Passport Holders and how to apply visa.

Well I have got a solution for you, it's not that you need visa to visit all countries in world if you are Indian Passport Holder. There are quite a lot countries and beautiful places where Indians can visit without visa or a visa on arrival is provided.

For all your ease, I am providing a list of countries where you do not require to pre-apply a visa; either you do not need visa to visit these countries or a visa on arrival is provided. There are about 58 countries as such.

So, do not panic pick one of these countries and plan your trip. Here is the list..

British Virgin Islands
Cape Verde
Comoros Islands
Cook Island
El Salvador
Fyro Macedonia
Hong Kong
Iraq (Basra)
Sao Tome and Principe
South Korea (Jeju)
St. Kittis and Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent and Grenadines
Timor Leste
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands

So do not wait, plan you trip. Hop in again to get some interesting facts on this blog. Subscribe to my blog.

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Disclaimer: Verify the details from Indian Embassy before final visit, this blog is for information purpose only.


Friday 14 July 2017

Canadian Passport & Visa Free Travel - How powerful is it ?

Welcome guys..

Today I am writing to let my readers know that how powerful your Canadian Passport is and how many countries you can visit visa free in world if you have Canadian Passport.

Canadian Passport is considered to be 6th most powerful passport in world for visa free travel. There are about 172 countries where Canadians can travel visa free.

I am listing here best 70 destinations where Canadians can travel visa free:

North America and The Caribbean:

Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
Dominion Republic
El Salvador
Saint Lucia




Combodia (on arrival)
Jordan (on arrival)
Laos (on arrival)
Maldives (on arrival)
Nepal (on arrival)

South America:

Paraguay (on arrival)
Trinidad and Tobago


Egypt (on arrival)
Madagascar (on arrival)
South Africa
Tanzania (on arrival)
Uganda (on arrival)
Zimbabwe (on arrival)


Australia (ETA)
Fiji (on arrival)
New Zealand
Samoa (on arrival)

Those were some of the great destinations and list is growing. So, plan your trip and enjoy..

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Wednesday 12 July 2017

Bank of Canada Hikes Interest Rates - What that means to you

Finally the time has come, Bank of Canada today announced its overnight interest rates hike from 0.5% to 0.75%.

Bank of Canada became first country after USA to announce the rate increase and it has done so after a big gap of 7 years since 2010.

Although its a good sign to showcase that Canadian economy is growing but also has some impact on credit holders in Canada. I have outlined few major impacts which common people will have after this hike announcement:

1. Mortgages

Most of the Canadians are under mortgage, those who are under a fixed term contract (Closed Mortgage) still have some time till their renewal to relieve but those who are under Variable Rate Mortgage will get impacted instantaneously.

Monthly mortgage payments will be higher for Variable Rate Mortgages.

2. Home Equity Line of Credit

People who use their equity built up in their home for borrowing money and use the same; will have to pay higher interest rates which means higher monthly payment for repayment.

3. Credit Cards

Well Credit Cards already have pretty high interest rates and are most unlikely to be impacted due to this rate hike.

So, good news here !

4. Lines of Credit

Canadians using Lines of Credit for borrowing will be paying higher interest rates.

5. General Loans

Other general loans like Personal Loan, RRSP Loan etc. will get impacted and bear higher interest rates.

6. Automobiles Loan

Already auto loans bear higher interest rates due to they being unsecured loans. After this rate change the interest rates will be more high.

7. Students Loan

Students are not required to repay their loans back until after 6 months of their graduation. People who have to start repaying their loans in near future will bear higher interest rates.

8. Saving Bank Account

Good news here is that Canadian savers who prefer to put their money in Savings Account will get higher interest rates hence more savings. Also TFSA rates seems to be impacted on a positive side.

9. CAD - USD Exchange Rate

Canadian Dollar seems to be progressing and might see a higher valuation against US Dollar. Hence people looking to visit US for shopping spree or luxury can plan their trips which will be more economical.

10. Foreign Funds Transfers

Immigrants from other countries living in Canada who remit money to their home country will get more value per Canadian Dollar as CAD is expected to rise in Forex market. So, some relief here too.

Let me know if you have any questions on above; I work in Capital Markets and have over 10 yesr of experience in same.

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How to buy home/condo in Toronto with less or no money in pocket

 Home .Condo.. House.. Toronto.. GTA

People living in this part of world must be totally aware about above words as these are talk of the town now a days. Everybody is talking about rising house/condo prices, number of sales and buys in housing market, TREB numbers, home prices drowning etc.. etc..

Everybody is taking about expansive homes (which were not this way before), but nobody is talking about people who started saving for their dream home two or three years before thinking that they would have enough by now to put down payment for buying their home.

Dreams have shattered, things have gone upside down.

Well I might have something to patch up your dreams and help you get money to buy your home, it is a tried ans tested method and believe me I bough my first home using this method and just sold it making a profit of more than 200K.

Hope this way works for you also.

To get this method working, you must satisfy following criteria:

Have Excellent or Very Good Credit Score
Must be a "First Time Home Buyer"

1. RRSP Loan

RRSP loan is the loan offered by all financial institutions to borrow money from them and invest in RRSP. It's an easy deal to crash as the money remains with financial institution only in your RRSP account.

Take this loan and put into RRSP, it's better you put 25K each in yours and your spouses's account and keep that amount invested in your RRSP for at-least 90 days. This is the first step towards success.

2. Take out RRSP Amount

Once 90 days are over, you can take out the amount you invested in RRSP under "First Time Home Buyer" option.

Don't worry, it will not count towards your income and you will not incur any additional tax on this amount. Just remember that you can withdraw maximum 25K from each person's RRSP account under "First Time Home Buyer" program.

Now you have 50K additional money to put towards down-payment of you new home or condo.

That's not it, go through point 3, this is the most exciting part.

3. Tax Benefits 

Now that you have taken out your RRSP; it's time to reap TAX benefits. Even though you have taken out the amount under RRSP, you can still claim the tax refund during tax filing to CRA.

Refund on 50K must be approx 15K dollars.

So you borrowed 50 K and you got 65 K, its like icing on cake.

So, hope this method works for you, enjoy your new home..

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Monday 10 July 2017

Why India and China should not go to War

There is this thing in news where China and Indian armies are at face off in Doclam region of Bhutan.

Let me make it very clear that India is not directly making a face off as Doclam is not Indian region but the region is of utmost strategic importance to India. If China is able to make its presence in this region then China will have easy access to region called as "Chicken Neck", which is a 20 kilometer wide corridor connecting India with its North-East states of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh and these are the regions which China claims to be its own (Not true though).

Also as Bhutan is a diplomatic partner of India and is heavily dependent upon Indian support in terms of money and military. Indian military is making a stand off on behalf of Bhutan and due to their personal interest too.

Well ! things apart. I am writing this blog to specify that "Why India and China should not go to War". Here are few points:

1. Weapons of mass destruction

Both India and China possess Nuclear weapons, high end defense artillery and most advanced technological war ammunition. If they both go on war and decide to use them then there would be nobody winning.

2. South-Asian Countries

India and China both are very strong nations of South-Asian continent. If they go to war then South-Asian region becomes feeble and is more prone to be acquired or invaded by terrorism or extremist countries.

Happening this would make all other countries suffer and east will not be east; it will be a part of west.

3. Economic Impact

Both India and China are involved in bilateral trades of more than 3 Billion USD each year, going on war makes their trades stop and would be worst impact on economies of both countries.

4. Manufacturing Hub of world

While China is already "factory of the world" and India is in process of becoming so. If both these strong countries  go to war then the growth of both countries comes to halt and common people would be badly impacted.

5. BRICS Breakage 

BRICS is an association formed by Asian nations Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to promote growth in terms of technology advancements.

If two major countries out of BRICS got to war then this association will break and would not be good for BRICS nations.

6. World War III

If India and China goes to war and favoring nations decide to support either one of them then there would be two groups of nations in world and might lead to WW III.

7. Worst Global Economic Impact

As European Union is already breaking and is in feeble state after BRIXIT, another impact on world economy due to war would be unimaginable and most of the countries of world have bilateral trade agreement with India or China or both and crisis would emerge as a result of War.

These were my analysis in support of "No War" between India and China.

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Friday 7 July 2017

Why to be Vegetarian - Benefits of being vegetarian

There has been a continuous debate between non-veggies and vegetarian people that which one is good. On one hand non-veggies says that veggies are missing the taste of the world and veggies says that why non-veggies are killing animals.

I took some time and tries to research benefits of being veggie. There is no offence to non-veggies here, it is just to show that vegetarian food has lots of benefits.

Listing some of them here:

1. Cancer Prevention

Its a proven fact that vegetarians have a reduced overall risk of Cancer, eating veggie food which is rich in fibers and nutrients. 

"Red meat and processed meat is consistently associated with increased risk of Colorectal Cancer.

2. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

Most of the deaths in non-veggies are due to heart diseases, as non veg is high in cholesterol; hence chances of heart diseases are more.

Consistently veggies have shown 24% less chances of Heart Diseases.

3. Weight Loss

Veggies have a lower BMI than non-veggies. As veggie food is rich in fibers and are low energy like fruits and vegetables.

4. Long life

A 12 year oxford study have found that veggies outlive non-veggies by atleast 6 years. Plant based diets are generally rich in fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which in turn strengthens the immune system and slows down aging process.

5. Avoid toxic materials

Non-veg food contains harmones, toxic materials in them and hence impacts the body of intakers. Not to mention the viruses, bacteria and parasites such as salmonella, trichinella and other worms and toxoplasmosis parasites.

6. Reduce Global Warming

The United Nations said in its 2006 report that livestock generate more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in world combined. Most of it comes from carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide gases generated by manure. Therefore, the single most important step an individual can take to reduce global warming to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Keep reading for more such facts. Read older posts for more info.

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Thursday 6 July 2017

How to get your Credit Score for free - Absolutely free

I have been in Canada for about 9 years now and clearly understand the importance of Credit Score and Credit History in Canada.

I have always wished to get my credit score available instantly whenever I want for free but unfortunately was not able to get any such options. The only options I was getting with some ridiculous products being sold by my credit card companies at ridiculous prices. Also both the credit unions "Equifax" and "Trans Union" have launched their own products at a monthly fee.

But..But.. But..

We are talking about getting credit score for free and absolutely free; that too online and available at click of a mouse.

Yes !! this is possible now. Below is a list of ways to get your credit score instantly for free:


This is a website which is very popular in USA and now have extended their services in Canada too. You can create a free account on this website, provide the info to search your credit file and instantly access you credit score and full credit report online.

CreditKarma fetches your score and report from Trans Union and makes it available to you; not only this it updates/refreshes your credit score every 7 days; isn't it awesome?!!

The operating model is to suggest you financial products (Credit Card, Mortgage etc) based upon your credit profile and if you take that then they will get some money from the company whose product was sold; but website never sends you any email or pushes you to buy any products. The products just are advertised in your account in CreditKarma.

So don't wait, login and view your credit score for free.

2. Mogo.Ca

Second option to check your credit score for free is to log on to; the operating model is same as CreditKarma and provides you free credit score but does not refreshes your score every 7 days.

But the awesome deal with Mogo is that it monitors your credit profile and alerts you if any suspected activity is recorded.

Also unlike CreditKarma, Mogo provides the credit score from Equifax.

3. Paper application to Trans Union and Equifax

As per Canadian Law, each credit bureau is obliged to provide full credit report to individuals on yearly basis; but that is only when you request to them through a paper mail or phone.

But why to get into these when you have these free and best methods; this probably takes the least priority item.

So, do not wait, open your computer and get your credit score.

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Lucknow, India - City of Nawabs

Do you know this about Lucknow. Lucknow is an old city in Uttar Pradesh province of India, this historical city possesses may themes and cultures.

I am putting information regarding some of them here. Read and enjoy..


1.       Known as nawabon ka shahar
  lucknow capital of uttar pradesh was home of nawabs .......nawab wazid ali shah established this place and from there this thing started ..... its a good place famous for its monuments and tehzeeb.

2.       Is largest city of U.P
3.       Nomenclature – Previously it is known by the name of Lakshmanapur/lakhanavati. Over time, the name changed to Laksmanauti, Laksmnaut, Lakhsnaut, Lakhsnau and, finally, Lakhnau.

4.       Begum Hazrat mahal took charge of Lucknow during India’s first war of independence and led her armies against British.

5.       Geography – Lucknow is situated on the banks of Gomati river and lies in the middle of Indo-Gangetic plain.

6.       Lucknow has the highest Shia muslim population in India.

7.       Lucknow zoo is one the oldest zoo’s of India. It was established in 1921.

8.       Historical buildings – Rumi Darwaza, once an entrance to the city is also known as ‘Turkish Gate’. The 60 feet (18 m) tall Rumi Darwaza, built by Nawab Asaf-ud-daula (r. 1775–1797) in 1784, served as the entrance to the city of Lucknow. It is also known as the Turkish Gateway, as it was erroneously thought to be identical to the gateway at ConstantinopleBara Imambara – Originally built as a asylum to support sick people, this magnificent structure is the largest hall in Asia without any external support from wood, iron or stone beams. Bara Imambara in Hussainabad is a colossal edifice built in 1784 by the then Nawab of Lucknow, Asaf-ud-Daula. It was originally built to provide assistance to people affected by the deadly famine, which struck the whole of Uttar Pradesh in the same year.[106] It is the largest hall in Asia without any external support from wood, iron or stone beams.[107] The monument required approximately 22,000 labourers during construction

9.       Ghanta Ghar of Lucknow is the tallest clock tower in India.

10.    Hazaratganj – It is named after Nawab Amjad Ali Shah, popularly known as ‘Hazrat’. When Britishers took over the city, they developed Hazaratganj and modelled after London’s Queen Street. WALK AROUND LUCKNOW’S HAZRATGANJ MARKET WILL MAKE YOU FORGET MALLS! LITERALLY

11.     LUCKNOW HAS CHIKANKARI(a traditional embroidery style from Lucknow)! WHICH IS FAMOUS AROUND-THE-WORLD.



14.    The classical Indian dance form Kathak took shape in Lucknow.[137] Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Awadh, was a great patron and a passionate champion of Kathak. Lachhu Maharaj, Acchchan Maharaj, Shambhu Maharaj, and Birju Maharaj have kept this tradition alive.[
15.    Lucknow is also the home city of the eminent ghazal singer Begum Akhtar. Lucknow is also the birthplace of musicians including Naushad, Talat Mahmood, Anup Jalota, and Baba Sehgal as well as British pop celebrity Sir Cliff Richard.

16.    Lucknow has sister city relationship with 2 cities namely Brisbane, Australia[192] and Montreal, Canada. The relation has enabled exchange for developing commercial, cultural, sporting and other mutually beneficial exchange

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Omar Khadr - New multi-millionaire of Canada

Recently there is a row in Canada for Omar Khadr and why is he being paid 10 MM by Canadian government.

I am writing this post to provide my readers some facts and information about who is Omar Khadr. I neither support nor is against about him getting paid by Canadian government.

This post is just to provide brief information in nut shell about Omar Khadr.

Omar Ahmed Sayid Khadr 
(born September 19, 1986) is a Canadian citizen who was detained at Guantanamo Bay as a minor and held there for 10 years, during which he pleaded guilty to murder and war crimes.
Born in Canada, Khadr was brought to Afghanistan by his father, who was affiliated with an extreme religious group. On July 27, 2002, at age 15, Khadr was severely wounded in a firefight during the United States invasion of Afghanistan, in the village of Ayub Kheyl, in which several Taliban fighters were killed. After being detained at Bagram, he was sent to Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba. He was alleged to have thrown a grenade during the firefight that resulted in the death of an American soldier. During his detention, he was interrogated by Canadian as well as US intelligence officers.
Khadr pleaded guilty to murder and several war crimes in October 2010 at a hearing by a United States military commission.He was the youngest prisoner and last Western citizen to be held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay. He accepted an eight-year sentence, not including time served, with the possibility of a transfer to Canada after at least one year to serve the remainder of the sentence. Khadr was the first person since World War II to be prosecuted in a military commission for war crimes committed while still a minor. His conviction and sentence were widely denounced by civil rights groups and various newspaper editorials.His prosecution and imprisonment was condemned by the United Nations, which has taken up the issue of child soldiers (despite Khadr not being a child soldier by the UN's own definition). The Supreme Court of Canada found that the Canadian government's interrogation of Khadr at Guantanamo Bay "offends the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of detained youth suspects".
On September 29, 2012, Khadr was repatriated to Canada to serve the remainder of his sentence in Canadian custody. He was initially assigned to a maximum-security prison but moved to a medium-security prison in 2014. Khadr was released on bail in May 2015 (pending an appeal of his U.S. conviction) after the Alberta Court of Appeal refused to block his release as had been requested by the Canadian government.
In 2013, Khadr filed a C$20 million civil suit against the government of Canada for conspiring with the U.S. in abusing his rights. He said he had signed the plea agreement because he believed it was the only way he could gain transfer from Guantanamo, and claimed that he had no memory of the firefight in which he was wounded. Khadr's lawyers successfully challenged his incarceration in Canada as an adult offender. On May 14, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada rejected the federal government's position, ruling that Khadr had clearly been sentenced by the U.S. military tribunal as a minor. If he lost his appeal of the US conviction, underway in a separate action, he would serve any remaining time in a provincial facility rather than in a federal penitentiary.
On July 4, 2017, an unnamed government source said that the Canadian government would apologize and pay C$10.5 million in compensation to Khadr. In a related action, the American widow of the soldier he is alleged to have killed in action has filed an application to enforce a US$134 million Utah judgment in Canada.

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Why girls are unique and different - Code Pink

Though the difficult thing even for the universe to decode a women but lets try to unfold few mysteries about them.

Read and Enjoy.
  1. One of the beautiful creations of GOD, still only 2% of women describe themselves as beautiful. Have more confidence in you ladies. You are Gorgeous!!!
  2. Women are speaks about 20,000 words a day. Way more than men. Poor men!!! No chance you could ever win any argument with them.
  3. Women have more taste buds than men.Anything with tongue!!! Told you, can not win them when the tongue is involved.
  4. Women’s heart beats faster than men’s. Had no idea about that.
  5. Heart disease is the no. 1 killer of Women. Take care of your Heart as you take care of those in your heart!!!
  6. Women’s eyes can distinguish more colours than men’s. No doubt you see those 1000 pink shades of lipsticks and go nuts…
  7. Over 80% of women wear the wrong Bra size. A poorly-fitted bra can cause various problems.
  8. Women are flatulent as much as men. So next time you hear a fart, check before you start judging a guy in the room.
  9. No woman has equal-sized breasts. One breast is always larger than the other. It’s usually a small enough difference to not be noticeable.
  10. The part of the brain that shows arousal during sex also shows a similar arousal in some women while they’re thinking about food. Food cravings and Sex… Seriously!!!
  11. Women more easily trust a person who hugs them for more than 15 seconds.Turn’s out we all need is a Hug.
  12. Women spend nearly a year of their lives deciding what to wear. We thought it would have been even longer!
  13. Men lies twice as often as women. Not very surprising!!!

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Bollywood Movies Shot in Canada

As most of you might know that Canada and India share a deep bond. Punjabi movie industry flourishes in Canada and they shoot most of their movies in Canadian location.

But do you know that some of the Bollywood movies were also shot in Canada. Below is the list of some, read and enjoy..

1. Tum Bin

Movie was shot in Calgary and was a musical hit.

2. Bollywood/Hollywood (2002)

Movie was shot in Toronto and starred one of the Canadian Bollywood actress "Lisa Ray".

3. Kal Ho Na Ho (2003)

Movie was shot in Toronto but Toronto was projected as New York.

4. Neal 'n' Nikki (2005)

This movie was a flop on box office, movie was shot in Toronto.

5. Apne (2007)

A family drama, movie was shot in Toronto and again Toronto was projected as New York.

6. Thank You (2011)

This movie was hit at box office and was shot in Toronto.

7. Brekaway (2011)

This movie was based upon the Ice Hockey and starred Russel Peters. Movie was shot in Toronto and Brampton.

8. Dr. Cabbie

Movie was hit and was produced by Salman Khan. Movie again was shot in Toronto.

Keep reading for more such facts.

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How to start a life in Canada - First things to do

Lots of people come to Canada to find a living and comfortable life. Canada also welcomes immigrants with open hearts.

This post is directed towards helping people who comes to Canada, the post highlights some of the formalities which have to be completed when you land in Canada.

1. Get a SIN (Social Insurance Number)

  • SIN or Social Insurance Number is the national identity number provided by Canadian Government.
  • SIN is required prior to start of any employment in Canada.
  • SIN can be applied by visiting “Service Canada” branches.
  • Carry your immigration and status documents for SIN application.
Note: You get your SIN immediately from Service Canada.

Temporary SIN (Workers or Students) start from digit 9 and Permanent (PR or Citizen) SIN starts from digit 5. 

2. Find a place to live

  • If you have already have a place to live then skip this step.
  • Else find a place to rent.
  • Contact a “Real Estate Broker” and provide your requirements.
  • Broker will find you a place and they do not charge anything from tenant.
  • You need first and last month rent in advance for renting.
  • If you do not have a credit history in Canada then you might have to provide guarantee of somebody or employment letter from your employer.
3. Open Bank Account

  • Once you have got your SIN then you can open a bank account.
  • There are many banks in Canada but few good ones are TD, CIBC, RBC, NBC and BMO.
  • They will have lots of account types, you can choose what suits your needs.
Note: Transactions are limited on each account types, hence choose which suits you.
Also, apply for a credit card along with account, you might get a secured credit card but this is needed for you credit history.

4. Take Phone Connection

  • Once you have your SIN, Address Proof (Rent Lease) and Bank Account; you can get a phone connection (Cell Phone)
  • There are many big cellphone providers in Canada but some good ones are Rogers, Telus, Fido, Koodo and Wind.
  • You can either choose to take the phone set along with connection which would be in contract for minimum two years or bring your own phone and take SIM only.
  • Usually bring your phone connections costs you less.
4. Health Insurance Card
  • Medical facilities are provided for free in Canada.
  • Apply for Health Insurance Card for the province you are living in.
  • You will get your card after living in the same province for minimum three months but you can apply when you land.
  • Health Insurance Cards can be applied by visiting Provincial Service Centers like Service Ontario, Service Alberta etc.
5. Create CRA account and file your taxes
  • Canada has financial year from Jan 1st to Dec 31st.
  • Tax season is from Jan 1st to April 30th for last year.
  • CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) is centralized tax agency of Canada.
  • You file your taxes either online or by visiting a tax accountant.
  • After filing taxes, you create an account on CRA website; and you can track you tax info online afterwards.
Keep reading for more such facts.

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How to become Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India

Narendra Modi is not a new name to the world now, he is one of the most powerful and charismatic leaders of world.

I am posting some interesting facts about Narendra Modi which most of the people might not know:

1. Indian Army Volunteer

During his childhood, Mr. Modi served as volunteer to Indian Army at railway stations during Indo-Pak war of 1965. He also helped Gujarat flood victims in 1967.

2. Has a secret fashion brand for his attire

Narendra Modi buys all his clothes and attired from an Ahemdabad based brand called “Jade Blue”.

3. Fond of other religions than Hinduism

Apart from being called as “Kattar Hindu”; very less people know that Mr. Modi is a keen admirer of Buddhism also. This is because he was born in Vadnagar where Hinduism and Buddhism flourish since centuries.

4. Comes from a Humble background

It is often seen that Modi calling himself a “poor man”; but this is true. His mother used to wash utensils in other people’s home for some extra money. 
This proves that you can do anything if dedication is there.

5. Denied US visa

Most of the people know about Mr. Modi’s visit to America to meet Obama and now Trump. But do you know that he was not granted visa to USA for 9 years as he failed to stop riots in Gujarat. Visa was awarded to him only after he became Prime Minister of India.

6. Hobbies

Very less people know that we have a poet and photography enthusiast in India’s Prime Minister.

Mr. Modi is fond of writing poems and photography, he mostly writes in Gujarati and his photo collections have earned an exhibition.

7. Very less sleeper

Even in this age, Mr. Modi only sleeps for maximum 5 hours. Irrespective when he goes to bed, he is awake by 5:30 AM.

8.   Studied in USA

Very less people know that Mr. Modi did a three months course in USA on public relation and Image Management.

May be that is the reason behind him being a very good orator.

9. No Bribe

Mr. Modi loves her mother and takes care of her mother and takes blessings from her before starting any new venture.

When Mr. Modi stepped into politics then at that time her mother said “Son! No Bribe”. And I am sure he has followed that advise.

10.  Alternate Career

It is often asked, If you were not this then what you would have been?

If same question was asked to Mr. Modi then the answer would be “A Monk”; Mr. Modi ran away from home to Himalayas and studied Hindutva there for 2 years.

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Cities in Canada with stolen/duplicate names

I am posting few updated or facts about Canada today. As you know Canada is a very big country and has many provinces and cities.

But do you know that "not all places in Canada have unique names, they are stolen or duplicate names from cities/places in other countries".

Below is a list of some of them:

1. London, Ontario

London is a city in Ontario province of Canada. Its name is taken from London city in England.

2. Vancouver, British Columbia

Vancouver city's name is taken from Vancouver city in Washington, United States.

3. Calgary, Alberta

Calgary's name is taken from Calgary bay in Scotland.

4. Toronto, Ontario

Toronto's name is taken from Toronto town in South Wales.

5. Regina, Saskatchewan

Regina's name is taken from Regina in New Mexico.

6. Ottawa, Ontario

Event Canadian capital's name is not original. It is taken from Ottawa in Illinois in USA.

7. Montreal, Quebec

Montreal's name is also not real, it is taken from Montreal town in Spain.

8. Prince Edward Island

PEI's name is taken from Prince Edward Island, South Africa.

9. New Delhi, Ontario

New Delhi is India's capital city.

10. Lucknow, Ontario

Lucknow is a historical city in Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. Its is also the capital of Uttar Pradesh.

Keep reading for more such facts.

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Friday 19 February 2016

Canada Tax Saving Tips - Save Everyday


I am back with some more saving tips...

As you know, Canada tax filing season is on and everybody must be looking to file their taxes. Here are some ways by which you can save taxes:

1. Putting your money into RRSP, it reduces your income by the amount you invested in RRSP but not more than the limit set by CRA for you.

2. TTC subway monthly passes, if you have used monthly passes for TTC then you can claim that amount, you get 15% of the amount you spent.

3. Amount spent on borrowing money or paid to an agent for investing in mutual funds or dividends.

4. Moving, if you have moved at least 40 kms closer to your work then you can claim the moving cost, you get 15% of the amount spent.

5. Medical expanses, amount which was spent by you on medical services and those were not covered by your insurance then that amount is eligible for tax claim, you gain get 15%.

6. First time home buyer, if you are first time home buyer then you get $750 in you tax return back as part of HST.

7. Money spent on fitness of your kids, if you spent any money on the activities or fitness of your kids then then amount will get you 15% back.

8. TFSA, all interest earned in TFSA is tax free.

9. Always enter the amount of rent you PAID or Property Tax paid in your tax return, it might get you some GST/HST return.

10. Donations, if you have made some donations then you get 15% of the amount back in tax return.

Hope above tips helps you same some money, if you have any queries or need any clarifications on above then leave comments and I will explain you the method..

Happy savings..